Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Losing 10 pounds is never as easy as it sounds, but if you're ready to lose 10 pounds fast, follow these tips to get started:

Tip #1: Ignore celebrity fad diets, starvation diets, and crash diets.

Your friends may swear by it, the magazines will call them the latest rage, but the simple truth is that these diets usually put your body into temporary starvation - which is not the answer. Most fad diets will give you short term weight loss in the form of water or muscle loss, not fat loss - the exact opposite of what you're looking for. Also these diets generally make you feel awful!

The biggest issue with starvation diets is most people splurge right after and put the 10 pounds back on right away - and usually a couple extra pounds too. And the pounds you gain back are fat, fat and more fat!

Tip #2: Set a realistic goal. I think that setting a 4 week goal, at 2.5 pounds per week is attainable without starving yourself. (The body is capable of losing about 2-3 pounds of fat per week.) To lose 2.5 pounds in a week you’ll need to create an 8750 calorie deficit or 1250 calories a day. The best way to tackle this is to Cut 600 calories out of your food intake daily, and then to burn 650 calories through daily exercise.

This is where having a good diet program can help. It can be difficult to create your own diet plan, especially if you have a busy life with work and family. A diet program like fat burning furnace can take the guesswork out of losing 10 pounds and can help you reach your goal more easily.

Tip # 3: Add exercise to your day. Take the stairs, park further away, or walk to lunch. Do whatever you can to get started, and then begin a regular workout time 5 times per week. Experts advise that you walk twice a week and go to the gym or play a sport 3 times a week, which only requires 45 minutes a day!

Learn more ways to lose 10 pounds fast here..

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